Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of the pulp tissue inside the tooth and the preservation of this tissue. The pulp is the living tissue inside the tooth and consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. Conditions such as decay, trauma, or cracks can affect the pulp tissue and lead to infection or inflammation. Endodontic treatment is often referred to as “root canal treatment.” The treatment involves the removal of infected or damaged pulp tissue, followed by the cleaning, shaping, and filling of the emptied root canals. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and is painless. The goal of endodontic treatment is to prevent tooth loss and eliminate problems such as pain or infection by preserving the natural structure of the tooth. Endodontic treatment is generally successful and can help prolong the life of the tooth. However, in some cases, the treatment may fail, and tooth extraction may be necessary. Implant treatment, on the other hand, is a treatment method where titanium implants are placed to replace missing teeth in cases of tooth loss. Implants are placed in the jawbone and gradually fuse with the bone, serving as a tooth root. The prostheses placed on them replace missing teeth and provide a similar appearance and function to natural teeth. Implant treatment is a suitable option for many people who have a strong jawbone structure and are in good general health.
Which treatments are applied in the field of endodontics?
Treatments applied in the field of endodontics may include:
- Root Canal Treatment: The process of removing infected or inflamed pulp tissue, cleaning, shaping, and filling the root canals. This treatment can prevent tooth extraction and preserve the tooth.
- Apical Surgery (Root End Surgery): Surgical removal of infection at the root end in cases where root canal treatment has failed or cannot be performed.
- Pulp Capping: A treatment method applied to protect and heal the pulp if there is mild inflammation in the pulp and the pulp is not completely dead.
- Endodontic Retreatment: The process of reopening, cleaning, and refilling the root canals in cases where a previous root canal treatment has failed.
- Canal Stabilization (Resistance Form): The process of restructuring the root canal with a special material applied to the root canal of the tooth to strengthen it and prevent fractures.
- Post-Trauma Treatment: Treatment of damage caused by trauma to the teeth. These treatments may require urgent intervention.
These treatments are determined based on the examination and diagnosis by the dentist. The treatment plan may vary depending on the patient’s condition and the condition of the tooth.